Tree of Heaven is not that stinky

Is the Tree of Heaven Not That Stinky? My Experience

The Tree of Heaven is not that stinky! Yep. It’s true. I’ve been growing it in my garden and I don’t have any complaints. While it does have an odor, it’s not as bad as people say. And note this – the smell is only noticeable during certain times of the year.

That’s not it.

Despite its reputation, this tree has some surprising qualities worth knowing. Keep reading to discover the full story and decide if this tree is right for you!

Key Points

  • The Tree of Heaven smells strongest when its leaves or flowers are crushed.
  • It grows extremely fast and can reach over 50 feet tall in just a few years.
  • The smell is worse in the spring and early summer when the tree is flowering.
  • The bark and wood don’t have the same strong odor as the leaves.
  • It spreads through roots, making it invasive in many areas.
  • The tree can survive in tough environments, including polluted urban areas.
  • There are better alternatives for landscaping if you want a tree that’s less invasive.

Tree of Heaven Is Not That Stinky: Here’s Why

Tree of Heaven is not that stinky

You’ve probably heard people call the Tree of Heaven stinky. I’ve come across this many times, and it’s a pretty common thing people say. But it’s really not.

For people who don’t detect much odor, the tree may not seem as problematic. However, the real problem with this tree isn’t just its odor—it’s how fast it grows and spreads. It takes over quickly, pushing out other plants and disrupting the local ecosystem.

How Strong Is the Smell of the Tree of Heaven?

From what I’ve observed, the smell depends a lot on the tree’s age and what part of it you’re near. When the tree is younger, the smell isn’t as noticeable.

But once it grows older and starts to produce flowers, that’s when the smell can get pretty strong. The leaves give off a bitter, unpleasant scent when they’re crushed, and if you’ve got several trees around, the smell can get even worse.

But here’s a fun fact: The Tree of Heaven doesn’t smell all year long. The odor is usually the worst in spring and early summer when the tree is flowering.

So, if you happen to walk by a Tree of Heaven in the winter, you might not even smell anything at all.

Do All Parts of the Tree of Heaven Smell Bad?

Not every part of the tree gives off that odor. The bark and wood don’t have the same strong smell as the leaves or flowers. When I asked around, some people told me they’ve used the wood for burning or making things, and they didn’t notice any smell from those parts.

So, the main culprits are definitely the leaves and flowers.

Here’s a table of Tree of Heaven parts categorized by whether they are stinky or not stinky:

Stinky PartsNot Stinky Parts
Crushed LeavesBark
Male Flowers (more intense)Roots
Seeds (slight odor)Branches

Why Is the Tree of Heaven Often Called “Stinky”?

Why Is the Tree of Heaven Often Called Stinky

In my research, I found that the smell comes mainly from the tree’s leaves and flowers. If you crush the leaves, they release a scent that people often describe as rotten or like burnt rubber. Not exactly the kind of fragrance you want in your backyard!

The flowers, especially when the tree is blooming, can smell bad too. But it’s important to know that not everyone finds the scent terrible. Some people hardly notice it, while others might be really bothered.

I’ve even heard people say it smells like peanuts or cashews. So, while most people call it “stinky,” the smell can actually be different depending on the person.

While the Tree of Heaven might not have a strong smell, some plants can help keep snakes away. Learn more about the best garter snake repellent plants for your garden.

What Are the Other Characteristics of the Tree of Heaven?

Now that we’ve talked about the smell, let’s take a look at what else makes the Tree of Heaven stand out. I think it’s important to understand the full picture of the tree because, honestly, it’s more than just its odor.

How Does It Grow and Spread?

One of the things I’ve found interesting about the Tree of Heaven is how fast it grows. In just a few years, it can shoot up to over 50 feet tall! That’s crazy fast for a tree. It also spreads very quickly, not just through seeds but through its roots.

If you have one in your yard, you might suddenly find new little trees popping up all over the place. That’s because its roots send up new shoots, creating a kind of tree colony.

This aggressive growth is one reason why some people don’t like the Tree of Heaven. It can take over an area, outgrowing and outcompeting other plants around it. This is a big problem in cities and gardens where people want to keep other plants alive.

What Does the Tree of Heaven Look Like?

The tree itself isn’t bad-looking. It has long, feather-like leaves that are green during the warmer months. However, their leaves turn yellow in the fall.

It’s not a showy tree like some others, but it does have a certain toughness that I find interesting. It looks a bit like a cross between a fern and a regular tree, and because it grows so fast, it quickly fills out spaces where other trees might struggle.

Can the Tree of Heaven Be Useful in Urban Areas?

Even though it’s often called stinky and invasive, the Tree of Heaven isn’t all bad. In fact, there are a few reasons why it can be useful, especially in cities.

How Does It Survive in Harsh Conditions?

One of the things that really impressed me about this tree is how well it survives in tough places. I’ve seen it growing in cracks in sidewalks, next to busy highways, and even in polluted industrial areas.

That’s because it can handle poor soil, air pollution, and very little water. This makes it a good choice for places where not much else can grow.

In fact, I’ve read about some city planners who use the Tree of Heaven in urban areas because it’s one of the few trees that can survive in such harsh environments.

So, while it might not smell great, it does serve a purpose in some places.

If you’re worried about how heat affects your plants, you should read about whether plants can die from heat in a car and how to protect them.

Can It Be Used in Landscaping?

Now, would I recommend planting a Tree of Heaven in your garden? Probably not, unless you really need something that can grow in a tough spot. But in certain cases—like if you need to fill in a barren area or stabilize a slope—this tree could actually be useful.

Does the Tree of Heaven Cause Problems for Other Plants?

While the Tree of Heaven has some good qualities, it also has a bad side when it comes to the environment.

Is It Invasive?

In my experience, and based on what experts say, the Tree of Heaven is definitely invasive. Because it grows so quickly and spreads through its roots, it can easily take over an area and push out native plants.

This is a big problem in forests and parks where we want native trees and plants to thrive. Once the Tree of Heaven takes root, it can be really hard to get rid of it.

How Does It Impact Local Ecosystems?

Not only does it outcompete other plants, but the Tree of Heaven can also change the soil around it. Its leaves release chemicals that make it harder for other plants to grow nearby.

This means that over time, areas with lots of Tree of Heaven might lose their natural plant diversity, which isn’t good for the animals and insects that depend on those plants.

How to Manage the Growth of the Tree of Heaven?

How to Manage and Control the Growth of the Tree of Heaven

If you’ve got a Tree of Heaven in your yard or nearby, you might be wondering how to deal with it. Let me give you some tips.

What Are Some Effective Ways to Control Its Spread?

The best way to control the Tree of Heaven is to remove the root system. Cutting it down won’t work on its own because the roots will send up new shoots. You’ll need to dig up as much of the root system as possible.

Some people also use herbicides to stop the tree from growing back.

How Can You Safely Remove It from Your Yard?

If you’re thinking of getting rid of a Tree of Heaven, you’ll want to do it carefully. Wear gloves when handling the tree because its sap can cause skin irritation.

And remember, it’s not just about cutting it down—you’ll need to keep an eye on the area to make sure new shoots don’t start popping up again.

Along with learning about the Tree of Heaven, you might also be curious if Gaultheria Procumbens in Alaska can be eaten—find out the details here.

Should You Consider Planting the Tree of Heaven?

Let me give you my honest take: The Tree of Heaven is tough, but it comes with a lot of baggage.

The pros? It grows fast, it can survive in almost any condition, and it’s great for tough urban environments. The cons? It smells, it’s invasive, and it can take over your yard if you’re not careful.

Are There Better Alternatives for Your Garden? In my opinion, there are definitely better trees to plant if you’re looking for something hardy.

Consider native species that don’t have the same invasive tendencies. You’ll get the benefits of a strong, fast-growing tree without the downsides of the Tree of Heaven.


The Tree of Heaven is more than just its reputation for being smelly. Here are key takeaways:

  • The “stink” mostly comes from its leaves and flowers, but it’s not always noticeable.
  • It’s a fast-growing, tough tree that thrives in urban areas.
  • While useful in some conditions, it can be invasive and outcompete other plants.
  • The tree’s strong root system makes it hard to remove once it takes hold.
  • There are better alternatives if you’re looking for a garden-friendly tree.

In the end, the Tree of Heaven has its pros and cons, but with the right care, you can manage its growth and enjoy its benefits!

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